
Hello, I’m Jess.

Short Bio:

  • My favorite writers include Edgar Allan Poe, Oscar Wilde, and J. G. Ballard (!)
  • When I was 16, I did my first yoga sun salutation routine through a newspaper article .
  • In 2023, my debut poetry chapbook was published by Bottlecap Press.


Slightly Longer Bio:

I’m a creative and analytical writer with a passion for simplifying complex information.

Writing is how I blend my passion for creativity and problem-solving.

Anything related to thoughtful communication, versatile writing, and brevity piques my interest. I’m obsessive when it comes to research and editing.

I grew up in Singapore, lived in Northeast Maine for most of my twenties, and now reside in Southwest Florida.

It’s too hot so I’m planning to move back up north.


Reading | Writing | SEO | Websites | Mental Health | Yoga | Art | Cats | Tea | 2001: Space Odyssey | HBO’s Succession

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