Technical and UX Writing

Open Source, etc.


My GitHub Profile: fanatiicx

I made contributions to several open source projects to build technical writing and collaborative skills.

Here are some samples.

1. DX Heroes (Knowledge Base)

DX Heroes stores a knowledge base of developer experience articles (i.e. the user experience from a programmer’s point of view).

My first contribution was an article about test cards, followed by an article about vision statements.

2. Plausible Analytics (SaaS)

For this lightweight web analytics project, I contributed screenshots and step-by-step instructions for Google Search integration.

3. Budget Form

This was a challenge via a quick start guide on LinkedIn Learning, which I completed before making open source contributions.

I improved instructions for the form by:

  • Adding clear headings to break up the information
  • Incorporating notes directly into the instructions
  • Simplifying and repeating phrases for consistency

4. Contact Form

For a job interview in 2021, I was asked to suggest 2-5 improvements to this existing contact form.

To make the form less distracting and overwhelming, I condensed text and added a drop down menu with 3 clear options to streamline the options.

I created the form in Figma. The dropdown component was made by @Design XStream (used under a CC license).

5. Search Results

While doing a search for academic articles on EBSCO Brightspace, I noticed that the wall of text in the abstract section made the paragraphs difficult to read.

In this revised mobile mockup, I simplified the text and layout for increased readability.

The abstract would feature a summary or the first line only. Another option would be to show the first xx words of the abstract, if users preferred to view slightly more text than just the first line.

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